"Pretty Creepy" by Cori Dantini for Free Spirit is a delightfully eerie fabric collection that brings a whimsical touch to Halloween and autumn-themed projects. This collection features charmingly spooky illustrations with a vintage feel, including quirky pumpkins, playful skeletons, and enchanting witches, all set against richly detailed backgrounds. The color palette combines muted tones of orange, green, and black with pops of brighter hues, creating a balance between eerie and endearing. Perfect for creating unique quilts, home decor, and festive accessories with a touch of magical mischief.
This print features a captivating design with elegantly detailed skulls intertwined with vibrant floral motifs on an orange background, adding a unique blend of beauty and eeriness to your projects.
Sold by the Half Yard:
1/2 Yard = Width of Fabric (43"/44") x 18"
Yardage is hand-cut in one single continuous piece.
Enter quantity of "1" for 1/2 yd (44" x 18"), "2" for 1 yd (44" x 36"), "3" for 1 1/2 yds (44" x 54"), "4" for 2 yds (44" x 72"), etc.
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